Leaving your job, can't afford health insurance?

Have you recently decided to leave your job (or been fired)? Can't afford health insurance through COBRA or the marketplace? Pocketero can help.

Expected prices: High

Patients in this category are usually quoted full "chargemaster" prices, which are generally far above market prices because they are deliberately inflated.

The problem

Employer-sponsored health insurance can be great, until you leave your job. Then it's always a headache.

Extending your employer-sponsored insurance through COBRA can be wildly expensive. Buying your own policy through the marketplace is usually cheaper, but can still be unaffordable. And without health insurance, you are exposed to the deliberately inflated "chargemaster" prices.

The solution

Pocketero empowers you with the best prices when paying out of pocket. For a very low membership fee, you can get prices that are around half of insurance-negotiated prices, without restrictions on providers, drugs, or services.