Insured, but want an out-of-network provider?

Want to see a doctor or other healthcare provider, but they're not in your health insurance network, so it's like you don't have insurance at all? Pocketero can help.

Expected prices: High

Patients in this category are usually quoted full "chargemaster" prices, which are generally far above market prices because they are deliberately inflated.

The problem

Generally, health insurers only cover healthcare expenses from providers in their network. And generally a specific health insurer's network only includes a minority of providers that exist. In fact, health insurers specifically exclude many providers, including homeopathic and naturopathic providers. When you receive care from out-of-network providers, you have to pay out of pocket. Maybe you will get a "cash pay discount" of 10% or 15%, but that won't help much with prices that have been artificially inflated by 200% or more.

The solution

Pocketero has a flexible network. If your favorite provider is not already part of our network, you can easily invite them to join (just find your provider and click "Invite"). The vast majority of providers happily accept.

Pocketero empowers you with the best prices when paying out of pocket. For a very low membership fee, you can get prices that are around half of insurance-negotiated prices, without restrictions on providers, drugs, or services.